Lavish Nail Spa Ed.
Lavish Nail Spa care's about our clients health, we educate our clients on the importance of their manicures and pedicures.
On this page you will find helpful information that could help you understand and avoid complications from improper nail care practices.
Spa manicure/pedicure services?
A spa manicure/pedicure service, is a treatment and care for the hands and feet, also known as a specialty or therapeutic manicure/pedicure. This method allows to help reduce stress as well as relieve some pain due to certain muscle soreness or health related issues. This also
helps avoid skin or nail diseases that may appear in the future.
Why choose a spa service?
Spa services help improve blood circulation which helps with varicose veins, provides collagen to rejuvenate, reduces wrinkles, helps reduce stress, and relieves pain from health issues such as arthritis, parkinson's, tendonitis etc. all while nourishing your skin.
Our spa products are all natural herb oils, scrubs, and lotions. Reflexology is practiced to help with therapeutic services.
Reflexology is not a massage, it's the gentle application of pressure, using specific thumb and finger techniques. This pressure is applied to the points on the feet and hands that reflect areas and parts of the body. Reflexology teaches the body not to react to stress but to relax, letting the stress flow off rather than in. Many cultures use feet as a way of healing the entire body.
Reflexology finds its scientific roots in a pressure therapy called Zone Therapy, which was practiced in the 1500s. The working class, as well as royals and upper classes, received pressure therapy to cure their ills. The Bible mentions feet as a way of healing, to wash the feet of others was a symbol of humility and forgiveness. To remove shoes before entering the temple or holy place is an instruction not only in the Bible but also followed by many other religions. This is clear that ancient history demonstrates that footwork has been around.
Stimulations of reflex points in the feet relieves symptoms throughout the body. Science has proven that stress is the number one cause of disease. Energy flows through the body by way of electrical impulses, which may be nerves or chemical messengers such as hormones or endorphins. Energy does exist and reflexology assists in removing any resistance to the flow of energy.
Why spa treatments are therapeutic!
Outbreaks of skin infections on the legs and feet of patrons following spa pedicures have caused concern about spa safety. Microorganisms in foot spas can enter through the skin, so broken skin (e.g., cuts and abrasions) should not come into contact with foot spa water.
How can you Identify an Infection? Open wounds appear on the skin of feet and legs. Initially they may look like insect bites, but they increase in size and severity over time, and sometimes result in pus and scarring.
Cause of Infections
Some incidents of foot spa infections have been caused by Mycobacterium fortuitum. This organism can occur naturally in water and soil. Other organisms have also been found in footbath systems. The screens and tubes of foot spas are particularly good places for the bacteria to collect and grow, often forming dense layers of cells and proteins called biofilms, which can be very hard to remove.
What you can do to help reduce your risk of infections
*Ask salon workers how the foot spas are maintained and how often.
*A foot spa should be disinfected between each customer everyday! The disinfectant needs to work for the full time listed on its label, typically 10 minutes, depending on the type of disinfectant. It is a total process of 20 minutes to properly clean and disinfect a foot spa.
*Proper cleaning and disinfection can greatly reduce the risk of getting an infection by reducing the bacteria that can build up in the foot spa system.
Protect your skin!
*Do not shave, use hair removal creams or wax your legs during the 24 hours before receiving treatment in a foot spa.
*Do not use a foot spa if your skin has any open wounds such as bug bites, bruises, scratches, cuts, scabs, poison ivy, etc.
Be aware that disinfectants used in the foot spa should indicate on the label that they're approved for hospital use.
*Salons should use an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant and the terms "Disinfectant" and also "Hospital" or "Medical" or "Health Care".This indicates the product can be used as a disinfectant on surfaces in these environments.
*Do not use the foot spa if you are not sure it is disinfected and safe to use.
*Do not risk your health. You should report any problems to your state cosmetological board.
Do you know what's in your pedicure water??? Learn how to keep your feet safe!
"Acrylic" (liquid & powder) Nails are the most common form of nail enhancements in the salon due to their ease of use, strength and durability. When a nail tech uses a file or drill that is too coarse for the natural nail, this removes nail plate layers, resulting in a sensitive and thin natural nail. When a nail tech misuses 'primer' - a bonding agent used with acrylics, this can cause sensitivity if exposed to the surrounding skin (burning sensations) and possibly allergic reactions.
"Primer" - a corrosive chemical which may burn the skin. When a salon uses (prohibited) MMA liquid monomer instead of approved EMA liquid monomer when doing acrylics, this can cause several possible complications (see EMA/MMA information below). When a nail tech removes the artificial product by mechanically forcing it from the natural nail using a pair of acrylic nippers, this unnecessarily removes nail plate layers, leaving the natural nail sensitive and thin
Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) is an ingredient that was commonly used in early “acrylic” nail services. In the early 1970's, the FDA received numerous complaints of personal injuries associated with the use of acrylic monomer formulated with MMA. The reports included serious nail damage or loss, contact dermatitis, soreness and infection due to breaks caused by the rigidly adhered MMA acrylic. By the end of the 1970's, the FDA had taken action against several manufacturers that marketed MMA liquid monomers. Most professional nail manufacturers use a product called EMA or Ethyl Methacrylate- which has been declared safe & approved for use in the beauty industry.
What are the health risks associated with MMA products?
MMA-related complaints range from skin allergies to permanent loss of the nail plate. Here are the most common complaints that prompted the FDA to take action:
Nail Infections- The surface bond of MMA acrylic is so strong that even a slight trauma causes the nail to break and lift off the nail bed; which may result in infection and/or loss of the nail plate. Ironically, it is the strength of the “acrylic” that attracts some users. While MMA used in the medical and dental industries provides superior adhesion to bone, it is not appropriate or safe for use on the softer nail tissue.
Respiratory problems: eye, nose & throat irritations- Without proper extraction ventilation, MMA vapors may cause sinus problems, as well as pins & needles in the extremities.
Permanent Nail Deformities- The extreme damage that may occur as a result of trauma can affect the matrix (where the nail plate comes from), and cause full or partial permanent loss of the nail plate.
Severe Allergic Reactions- Repeated exposure to MMA can result in severe allergic reactions. Redness, swelling, numbness and itching are common symptoms which may lead to blisters/open sores, resulting in a permanent allergic reaction.
Is EMA really safe?
You will be happy to know that ethyl methacrylate is one of the most studied monomers on Earth! There is a huge amount of scientific literature that backs up the safety of this important substance. It is used in everything from household plastics to medical devices that are implanted in the body.
There is no evidence that EMA can affect or harm unborn babies. The strange odor of the substance concerns people and makes them fearful. But odor has nothing to do with safety. Some very dangerous chemicals have no odor or even smell sweet and wonderful. For example, the vast majority of cosmetic related allergic reactions are caused by fragrances in products. This is why it is foolish to assume that odorless or odor free is safe. It does NOT! (For example- BENZINE smells wonderful, yet it is LETHAL!)
Of course, you should still take care and work safely. Working safely is important no matter what your profession. Nail techs should make sure they use proper ventilation to control both dusts and vapors. Nothing in the world is 100% safe. Millions have died from over exposure to water. Even so, we know that water can be used safely. The same is true for nail enhancement products.
How Can You Tell?
Since MMA is prohibited, you are unlikely to find it on the ingredient label. Still it is usually not difficult to tell if a product contains MMA. Here are three simple things to watch for:
* Strong or Strange odor that Doesn't smell like other acrylic liquids.
* Enhancements which are extremely very difficult to file even with coarse abrasives.
* Enhancements that will not soak off in solvents designed to remove acrylics.
* Discount pricing can also be an indicator of MMA usage. MMA costs several times less than EMA.
The last sign in the list above is the most important indicator. Nail technicians who come across artificial nails made with MMA-containing ingredients are usually surprised to hear how difficult it is to remove the product. The only way to remove the products is by filing with a very coarse abrasive or drills, which usually results in further damage to the client's nail plates and nail beds.